Thursday, September 22, 2011

7 things about me ... no, wait, 10!

I have also been remiss about participating in two games of blog tag. I’ve been tagged by Barbara McDowell,, and Sher Hart of, who generously gave me a “Versatile Blogger Award.” Thanks, Sher!

Of course, there’s always a price. In this case, I have to write seven random things about myself, then pass it on to four other bloggers. Here are the seven:

1. I got hooked on writing when I was very young, like around the fourth grade or so. It was through Composition class, when I discovered that anyone could make up stories. So I did. I like the process of writing as well as having written.

2. I always try to be different in my writing. I do not like clichés. In my stories, the main characters never fit into a mold or stock character.

3. I like to travel. When I get to a new city or town, I love just to walk around for a couple of hours and poke into out of the way places. I like museums and such, but I also like just looking at neighbourhoods and sitting in a cafe or restaurant.

4. I may have undiagnosed ADD. And I love pie. And you know what bugs me? People who don’t finish what they start to say ... oh, wait, I have to check my Twitter account.

5. I’m not as funny as I think I am.

6. I drink too much coffee. But I’m not addicted. WHERE’S MY COFFEE?

7. I never read forms carefully enough.

There. Seven random things about me, for the Versatile Blogger Award. I have to come up with three more for another blogging tag game . Barbara McDowell, of, wants me to write 10 random things about myself.

8. I often stay later at work than I have to.

9. I don’t fix things when I should. Now the warranty’s expired! Ohtenose!

10. I find Facebook frustrating.

There. Now, to tag a bunch of other bloggers. Get into it, pass it on, it helps raise our profiles! At least among other writers and bloggers.

Bloggers who deserve to follow this include:

James Wallace Birch, author of Discontents and the Posterous blog:

Joe Crubaugh, author of satirical Cleo Matts thrillers:

Cheryl Sonnier’s “Off wi’ the fairies”:

Sherry Davis Zander’s “Writing 4 Effect”

Consider yourself tagged!


  1. Is anyone as funny as they think they are? I crack myself up, but the cat gives me a look of total disdain and my husband puts his hand over his eyes and groans at my jokes.

    Thanks for the tag!

  2. Hey thanks so much for mentioning my blog!!

  3. Ahah! Here is my reply! Sorry for the delay. I don't have any blogs to pass it on along too but I contacted some peeps and am working on that!

  4. I enjoyed reading your 10 random things. Great fun.
